Gross McCleaf is pleased to present Short & Sweet III, a collection of mini-exhibitions featuring artworks by Graham Cuddy, Henry Murphy, Kimi Pryor, Rhonda Wall and Nasir Young.
Kimi Pryor, Ida’s Dream, 9″ x 12″, Oil On Panel
Kimi Pryor and Rhonda Wall each construct universes of their own. Pryor’s paintings conjure dreamlike projections of the subconscious with textured surfaces and foggy forms revealing potentially emotional narratives. Rhonda Wall’s hard-edged, cyberpunk paintings stand in contrast to Pryor’s softly rendered images. While the quizzical works seemingly depict futuristic worlds, Wall creates them in response to real-life events and memories. Utilizing colorful graphics amidst figural components, her resulting mixed-media works are exciting and surreal stories to behold.